Our Directors
Our Directors
Kevin M O'Doherty (Founder & Director)
Kevin M O'Doherty (Founder & Director)
Kevin acts as an Expert Witness, carrying out forensic mental health assessments and compiling medico-legal reports for Law firms, Insurance Companies and Agencies across the UK and EUROPE. He also carries out professional Immigration Removal Center and Prison visits to assess clients. Assessments are carried out face to face, via telephone and webcam Tele-medicine. Kevin also conducts ADHD assessments via self referral and also in legal cases where the client is represented by a solicitor or legal advisor.
Kevin works from an extensive knowledge base and a number of years experience in mental health and more specifically all aspects of assessing, diagnosing and reporting in this area. He is educated to MSc Level in Forensic Mental Health.
See also www. cgforensicmentalhealth.com
Published Author, Intuitive Life Coach and Practising Therapist, (Reiki Master Teacher and Medical Reiki). Theresa Kahn’s impressive achievements in the field of Education, Training and Therapeutic interventions have been of immense benefit to clients and organisations alike.
Theresa’s training in education brought her to teaching students from many countries, cultures and faith backgrounds. She became coordinator of projects with the National Probation Service, Health and Social Care Departments - helping to bring education to those unable to ‘fit into the more traditional way of learning’. Theresa has now left the more conventional working life and now devotes her time to the provision of Health, Well-being, Consultancy, and a range of therapeutic interventions.
Theresa works with both individuals and groups, both face to face and via a range of virtual/online programs.
For additional information about Theresa click: www.theresakahn.com
Theresa A Kahn (Founder & Director)
Theresa A Kahn (Founder & Director)