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This page is all about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and its assessment.  If you would like to discuss assessment for ADHD, please use the contact page to get in touch.

Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

The 3 main symptoms of ADHD are difficulties with attention, impulsivity and hyperactivity.  We can often find it very difficult to focus, we are disorganised on a frequent basis and may find it difficult to complete tasks.  We find ourself being impatient and impulsive.  Symptoms include a short attention span, hyperactivity, constantly fidgeting and acting without thinking.  The criteria for a diagnosis (as laid down by DSM 5) include:


  • Blurting out answers and completing other people’s sentences

  • Interrupting other people or intruding on their activities

  • Struggling to stay quiet during activities

  • Fidgeting and tapping hands or feet

  • Often on the go and unable to sit still

  • Trouble waiting their turn

  • Talking excessively

  • Feeling restless

Symptoms will need to have been present for in excess of 6 months and will usually have begun before the age of 12 (but not always).  The diagnosis will usually state whether the disorder is deemed to be mild, moderate or severe, depending on the impact it has had, and continues to have on your everyday activities.​  ADHD often presents itself alongside other issues such as depression and/or anxiety and these issues will also be explored during the assessment interview. 


How is ADHD Assessed?​

Assessments provided by Kevin O'Doherty are in-depth and extensive, requiring 2 separate meetings.  The first meeting will usually last around an hour and involves an extensive assessment of your clinical history going back to childhood.  The second, separate meeting (usually a week or more afterwards) will involve the complete assessment of symptoms that you present with and have experienced over time.  This second meeting will usually last for around 2 hours.  After these 2 assessments have been completed, Kevin will arrange a separate meeting (with your informed consent) with someone who knows you well (a partner, parent or other close family member with whom you live) and can describe your symptoms from their own observation, over time. 


The final part of assessment is where Kevin analyses the results, alongside medical records, medical reports and any other relevant documents that you may have, before arriving at a diagnosis if the relevant clinical criteria has been met.  The diagnosis is compiled as part of an extensive report, usually provided within around 14 days after assessments are completed.  If criteria has not been met for a diagnosis of ADHD, Kevin will offer guidance and signposting for alternative advice, assessment and support where needed.

What are Some of the Benefits of Assessment and Diagnosis?

Having a detailed and in-depth assessment helps people to fully appreciate how various symptoms have had, and continue to have, a negative impact on their life.  Where a diagnosis of ADHD is made, people often feel relief and reassurance that their collection of symptoms now has a name.  Help, support, advice and treatment often follows a diagnosis in any condition because now we can look at what research evidence tells us is most effective in treating the disorder.  Although Kevin does not provide support or treatment following a diagnosis, he can signpost you towards effective interventions elsewhere, in line with current best practice and research evidence.

ADHD Assessment in Legal Cases

If your assessment for ADHD is required in connection with legal matters (civil or criminal law) you will need to be referred by your solicitor or legal advisor.  Please give your solicitor or legal advisor the details and ask them to refer you to Kevin. 

Self Referral

If your assessment for ADHD is not required in connection with any legal matters, you can refer yourself using the link below:

For further info, or to request assessment in non-legal cases, please get in touch: CLICK HERE

Solicitors and legal advisors representing a client in a legal matter: CLICK HERE

*** Assessments are conducted in accordance with the guidelines laid down by National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE)

*** Diagnostic criteria followed is laid down by The Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5)

*** At the current time, Kevin only provides assessment for adults.

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Face to face meetings for assessment take place in Paddington, Central London.  The assessments can also be arranged to take place at other venues such as a law firm offices, where availability allows.  Kevin can also visit prisons, Immigration Removal Centres and other institutions for the purposes of assessment.





Venue: Face to Face Assessments in London

Meetings can also take place using telemedicine software called  These meetings are safe, secure and high quality resolution.  Several people can join the meeting from different parts of the world if needed.  Click on this video to learn more.





Telemedicine Assessments using

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